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Confidence Recalibration - CoRe


Experimentally determined gene regulatory networks can be complemented by computational inference from high- throughput expression profiles. However, in particular for eukaryotes, indirect and spurious effects impair the reliablity of predicted regulatory interactions. Recently published methods aim to address this problem by exploiting the a priori known targets of a regulator (its local topology) in addition to expression profiles.


We discover that the selection of candidate regulations may be influenced by a high degree preference (HDP), such that an excessive number of new interactions is predicted for regulators with many a priori known targets. In a cross-validation setup this effect inflates performance estimates substantially. In particular, global evaluation criteria like ROC curves prefer HDP results over the correctnes of individual regulators. We argue that this is critical and, suggest Confidence Recalibration (CoRe), a method that reduces the false-discovery rate of predictions on the level of individual regulators. Simultaneously, it enables an integrated view of the complete network. Quality estimates are consistent for this network, regardless of a regulator-wise or network-wide point of view.

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